Navigating the blurred lines of work space and home space during the COVID-19 pandemic can be hard at times, especially for female academics.
In November, we hosted our second webinar of the Women in Research 'Small Wins' series, discussing what can be done to achieve control and support in academia.
A very special thank you to ARC Laureate Fellows Professor Lisa Kewley and Professor Jolanda Jetten, who so graciously participated in the panel and shared their practical tips on juggling home and work demands, summarised below

Sharon's summary of the evidence:
Reduce home-work conflict by changing your "situation"
Reduce job stressors (e.g., reduce your work load)
Increase support from your peers (eg build your networks)
Ask for support from your supervisor
Reduce family stressors (e.g., outsource cleaning)
Increase family supports & develop a sharing family climate
Increase autonomy & boundary control
Reduce home-work conflict by changing your behavior
Proactively manage your boundaries (segment or integrate according to preference)
Actively solve problems rather than just emotionally venting
Get support from a coach or counsellor if you are naturally a highly anxious person
Tips from Prof Jolanda Jetten (University of Queensland):

Don't try to be a superhuman
Stick to your allocated work hours
It's not about whether to have kids - it's about who you're having kids with
Have friends outside of academia - and listen to them sometimes
Re-think your home-work balance daily
Tips from Prof Lisa Kewley (Australian National University):

Hire a babysitter when you're travelling to conferences with kids
Focus on your work during work hours
Decide on how long you're comfortable with being away from your family - and prioritise accordingly
Work out your optimal schedule using the Urgent-Important Matrix
Delegate your tasks to focus on your research
Go on writing retreats
Read more evidence-based tips on our Managing Home-Work Challenges page by clicking here. Download a copy of the presentation slides by clicking here.