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Dec 16, 20241 min read
Webinar #31: Overcoming the challenges of intersectionality
Despite outstanding qualifications and achievements, many women researchers encounter obstacles influenced by intersecting...

Oct 17, 20243 min read
Webinar #30: Promotions and other competitive processes: How do I gear up and go for it?
Academic promotions are often a rigorous and daunting process. Academics are expected to demonstrate excellence in multiple aspects such...

Sep 6, 20244 min read
Webinar #29: Managing the emotional rollercoaster of rejections
Dealing with rejections as a researcher can be a disheartening and discouraging experience, especially when you have invested significant...

Sep 3, 20241 min read
Webinar #28: Building a program of research: The why, when and how
Struggling to define your research focus, or looking for ways to evolve your existing research program in the right direction? It can be...

Jul 16, 20241 min read
Webinar #27: Collaboration over competition: Supporting fellow women researchers
We live in a time where gender inequality and subtle forms of discrimination still persist for academic women. Issues such as disparities...

May 16, 20242 min read
Webinar #26: I feel burnt out: Insights from the Australian university staff survey
In the years since the pandemic and our first ever Women in Research webinar on managing well-being at work, the conversation around...

Nov 29, 20232 min read
Webinar #25: Advice to your younger self: career insights from female ARC Laureates
"What advice would you give to your younger academic self?" A few years ago, when Professor Sharon Parker was creating content for the...

Oct 30, 20231 min read
Webinar #24: Ask the Laureates anything! A webinar devoted to your questions
This webinar is being dedicated entirely to you and your questions. In our usual Women in Research sessions, we always run out of time...

Sep 29, 20231 min read
Webinar #23: The right balance: Managing teaching and research responsibilities in academia
Struggling to prioritise between your teaching and research responsibilities? Researchers are increasingly expected to balance their time...

Jul 30, 20231 min read
Webinar #22: Staying curious and creative in a metrics-driven academic world
When your ‘success’ at work is increasingly measured by metrics like citation figures, grant income and number of papers, how can you...

Jun 29, 20231 min read
Webinar #21: Building a healthy academic culture - Preventing and addressing harassment and bullying
What are the effective strategies to prevent and address harassment and bullying in academia? Whilst many in academia strive to provide a...

May 17, 20233 min read
Webinar #20: Leading research teams for success
Are you aware of the additional responsibilities and challenges that come with leading a research team? Beyond conducting experiments and...

Apr 30, 20233 min read
Webinar #19: Rebooting your academic career after an extended leave
Are you considering returning to academia after having a significant amount of time off, or have started thinking about taking an...

Mar 30, 20233 min read
Webinar #18: From passive to productive - How to hold effective meetings
Tired of feeling like you have too many meetings? Whether you are a seasoned academic or an early career researcher, you may have...

Dec 6, 20222 min read
Webinar #17: Breaking through glass ceilings and glass walls
Glass ceilings and glass cliffs are metaphors that represent key barriers women face in the workplace. The term “glass” is used because...

Sep 20, 20223 min read
Webinar #16: Crafting your job for meaning and purpose
Named after everyone’s favourite Swedish furniture brand, the IKEA effect is a phenomenon that describes how when we create something...

Sep 7, 20222 min read
Webinar #15: Organisational strategies, policies and practices for supporting women in research
What can we and others in power do to better support women researchers at the level of the department or university? What recruitment,...

Jun 21, 20223 min read
Webinar #14: Making a difference: How to enhance the impact of your research beyond academia
A very special thank you to ARC Laureate Fellow Professor Kliti Grice and ARC Centre Director Professor Janeen Baxter, who so graciously...

May 16, 20222 min read
Webinar #13: Building A Higher Profile: How to Enhance Academic Impact
A very special thank you to ARC Laureate Fellow Professor Tamara Davis, who so graciously joined ARC Laureate Fellow Professor Sharon...

Dec 8, 20212 min read
Webinar #12: Networking for Everyone (including Introverts)
Your social capital, which is made up of your networks, friendships, relationships, does matter. Studies have shown how your social...
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